Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes
Interactive Map
Trip Planner
Towns & Services
Mileage Chart
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Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes
One of America's most scenic trails, the Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes runs over 70 miles through northern Idaho. Much of the trail follows the Coeur d'Alene River, and the banks of Lake Coeur d'Alene.
Photo source: Google Street View - most of the trail can be seen in Street View
Interactive Coeur d'Alenes Trail Map
Map the trail with mile points for your trip
Trip Planner
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Travel Timeline
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Towns and services
Check out what's available along the Coeur d'Alenes Trail
Coeur d'Alenes Trail Mileage chart
See distances between towns
Elevation chart
See how much the trail ascends and descends
Camping along the Coeur d'Alenes Trail
Where can I camp on the Coeur d'Alenes Trail?
Coeur d'Alenes Trail Weather
Check current weather conditions and historical averages
Coeur d'Alenes Trail FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the Coeur d'Alenes Trail
Great American Rail Trail
Coeur d'Alenes Trail is part of this incredible bike route
Related/Useful Resources
• Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation trail site
• Route of the Hiawatha (nearby scenic trail, seasonal)
• Friends of the Coeur d'Alenes Trails - overviews of several area trails